Welcome to SOTE newsletter
Hi, Safoora from Saviours Of The Environment this side. This email contains great stuff. Read the whole wholesome stuff.
This might be your first time getting this newsletter, so here is a little about me.
Hi, I am Safoora Hafeez, creator of Saviours Of The Environment, blogger, content creator, climate activist and more. I fit into many shoes and I do a lot of stuff. Since I have many positions, there might not be a keyword to describe my work. Academically I am a 16-year-old, eleventh-grade student (Junior in high school) who wants to pursue the environment field. I might not create content very often for my account (which I am trying to from now on) but you can mostly see my work in Resist Two, FFF Uttar Pradesh and Our Youth For Climate a.k.a OY4C (I am currently not working with them due to my schedule but you can check my post in there.)
What will be in this newsletter?
This will be a monthly newsletter where I will be talking about climate justice issues, and recommendations of what documentaries/videos to watch, you will also have the ability to decide what post I should post if I will not be able to reach a decision. Also after a lot of pondering, I decided to keep this newsletter bimonthly because mailing people emits a lot of CO2
Other than this newsletter what else do I do?
Well, I volunteer with several different organizations and student-led initiatives throughout the year but you can see my involvement in FFF Uttar Pradesh where I am a city coordinator, social media manager and more.
Under my brand Saviours Of The Environment (aka SOTE we will use that acronym in every newsletter) I have
My Instagram where I post climate activism-related stuff, my home garden (which my dad maintains I don’t) and more.
Twitter where I post all climate justice and social justice issue cuz it's more of a formal place to be on.
My podcast “The Climate Awareness Journey” was recently started for having in-depth conversations and to share with young people like teens how to work towards a cause.
And lastly, what you have been waiting for a long time. My Website.
If you follow me for a long time, my brand started with me writing blogs during quarantine and I wrote them for a year until I got hit with writer’s block and wasn’t able to work on that. But now I am starting back soon.
Here is all you need to know. Since you subscribed before I wrote this post, you will be among those who have access to my website before it goes public to everyone. It is one month left until I have to pay for my subscription, and then the domain will change to savioursoftheenvironment.com and all ads will be removed.
Where do I need your help?
For the past few months, I am making this website and need suggestions from someone other than me to improve this website. Feel free to give suggestions for the website and one more thing, please don’t share the URL with anyone else since it is an opportunity that I want to only give to you.
Here is the website link. Feel free to share the suggestions with me either by replying to this email or DM on my Instagram
Lifting the pen of,
Waiting to hear your response
- Safoora Hafeez